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Cross-cutting issue Q: Governance of Water and Land Use

The quality, but also the hazards to ground and surface water are strongly influenced by land use decisions, which, in turn, are influenced by the general economic, political, and social conditions. In order to strengthen water governance, deeper insight into the decision-making context of companies and individuals and into the emergence, diffusion, efficiency, and effectiveness of existing water policies and institutions as well as the underlying conflict lines and power structures is required. For this purpose, water research with a focus on business management and general economics as well as on political sciences and law must be linked internally and externally with scientific and technical disciplines to enable efficient studies of these critical control issues.



Current activities and joint projects in Baden-Württemberg (examples)

Drought Impacts, Processes and Resilience: Making the Invisible Visible (DRieR)
joint project of the University of Freiburg (coordination, speaker: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Stahl and Prof. Dr. Jens Lange), the University of Heidelberg and the University of Tübingen within the Water Research Funding Programme of the Land of Baden-Württemberg; duration: 2016 - 2020
Effect Network in Water Research (Effect-Net)
joint project of the University of Heidelberg (coordination, speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Braunbeck), the University of Tübingen and the KIT within the Water Research Funding Programme of the Land of Baden-Württemberg; duration: 2016 - 2020
Challenges of Reservoir Management – Meeting Environmental and Social Requirements (CHARM)
joint project of the University of Stuttgart (coordination, speaker: Prof. Dr. Silke Wieprecht), the University of Konstanz and the University of Freiburg within the Water Research Funding Programme of the Land of Baden-Württemberg; duration: 2016 - 2020