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Higher-level aspect B: Natural Hazards and Extreme Events

The changes that our natural environment and the climate are undergoing as well as the increasing complexity of modern societies pose new challenges for dealing with natural hazards and extreme events. The dynamics of physical and socio-cultural systems, and in particular, their interconnection and the way in which they synchronise and intensify each other, give rise to highly interdisciplinary questions related to water research. These are followed by questions regarding the vulnerability of both areas, opportunities for the development of scenarios and for adaptation as well as a monitoring system and the development of early-warning systems.



Current activities and joint projects in Baden-Württemberg (examples)

Drought Impacts, Processes and Resilience: Making the Invisible Visible (DRieR)
joint project of the University of Freiburg (coordination, speaker: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Stahl and Prof. Dr. Jens Lange), the University of Heidelberg and the University of Tübingen within the Water Research Funding Programme of the Land of Baden-Württemberg; duration: 2016 - 2020